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Monday, December 22, 2014

Buenos Aires - Part 14: Over the roofs

Since I have been travelling the last two weeks to Córdoba and Mendoza without my laptop, I haven't really been online and still feel the need to sort out all the pictures... that's why this week I only show you some images from Buenos Aires from above. It's always good to have friends who have friends with a nice flat and well situated... like right next to the polo field watching the sun going down perfect flat - nothing more to say^^ I love the Argentinien flag everywhere :) soooooooo...
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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Buenos Aires - Part 13: Jardín Jápones

The other day we went to the Jardín Jápones, a beautiful litte green space in the middle of Buenos Aires. I really enjoyed the whole concept of pure nature and a bit of Japan in Latin America. But it is mainly an attraction, hence a place to see and walk through, not so much to sit down and relax. The day we went coinceded with a Comic/Manga event - and I know from German book fairs that those events are overcrowded with "groopies" and cosplayers. It seems that in Buenos Aires there are only...
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Monday, November 24, 2014

Buenos Aires - Part 12: An Argentine Polo Match

One point of our bucket list for Buenos Aires was to watch a polo match, since it's obviously quite a big thing. Unfortunately we had no clue about the rules and when we went there we were mainly like "ooh horses!!!". The field they are playing on is just massive, so sometimes you cannot see much, but when they are close to where you sit, it's just really exiting and almost chaotic and dangerous how they try to hit the ball to their goal... I would love to tell you something more about the...
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