We both haven't been home the last days, but I am going to write a little survey to ask each other, I think that's the easiest way to get to know the other person, since we already have to send the package by the 22.^^
And the second thing I want to mention today is the start of a new blogging series called 'This city is my city'.
I love to get to know so many bloggers from different countries and cities, that I thought it would be quite a nice idea to ask everybody to write some sentences about their hometown, for example what they like about it, do they have a secret place you need to visit should you ever go there.... and so on.
If you want to take part in it, just write me a mail to doetsch.sandra[at]googlemail.com and I send you the questions :) I am looking forward to read from you and your places!!
I am going to publish the first post next week (probably saturday) with Emily from Manhattan Emily