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Saturday, August 24, 2013

This City #1: Emily from Manhattan (blogging series)

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to my first post for my new blogging series "This city - is my city"! It's so interesting to read the answers and I hope you find it interesting, too.
 Today we start with Emily from Manhattan, with her blog Manhattan Emily, a fantastic and interesting blog I fell in love with a couple of weeks ago :)

1.) Shortly about you, who are you, what do you do in your life, short mention about your blog and where do you live at the moment?

 My name is Emily, I'm 30 and I have lived in Manhattan (New York City) for almost 10 years. I have this little blog: Manhattan Emily, where I write a "Top 10" list every, single day. I moved to NYC because I was a singer and dancer and wanted to pursue my childhood dream of being on Broadway. While the majority of my friends are performing on Broadway, I took a hiatus from the "business' back in 2004 and never went back. I now work for an incredible non-profit/start-up called Gradian Health where I serve as Program Coordinator and manage their blog/social media. I love my "normal" life (outside the entertainment industry) and working in a job that is making a direct impact on those in need around the world. In my spare time, I write a lot of blogs, manage a lot of social media accounts, go running and skiing and love traveling the world with my husband.

2.) Why do you live there (study, work, born there, moved there because of...)

I always knew I would live in NYC as soon as I finished college. I dreamed about it since I was very young, because I grew up performing in musicals. I didn't think I would live here forever, but I know I would live here for awhile. Almost ten years later, I'm still here!

3.) Tell us 3 to 5 aspects you love about your city

So much to love about NYC. My favorites though would be the mix of so many cultures here (it's a true "melting pot"),  the great food/restaurants and I love how you can walk anywhere! I also love how there is always something fun going on and always something to do (at any time of day!).

4.) And of course 3 to 5 points you don't like about it

...And so many things not to like about this city. Mainly: it's very expensive to live here, subways are crowded and annoying at times and people are so impatient and rushed.  As many great things that there are about NYC, there are just as many not so great things. Although isn't that the case with anywhere you live?

5.) Do you have a favourit place everybody should have visit when they come to your city? (A park, restaurant...)

My top 3 in all of NYC:  Central Park (most notably walking around The Reservoir b/wn 86th-96th), having a slice of NYC pizza (the best kind if the $2/slice places you can just walk in and grab 1 slice!) and seeing a Broadway show.

6.) Do you have a (secret) tip about your city? (for example: never eat banana there or you get banana, too!^^)

Don't waste your day going to the top of the Statue of Liberty. Waste of time. You can see it from Battery Park City. Also, don't spend time in Times Square. The best parts of NYC are OUTSIDE of Times Square. Lastly, you will be tired when you leave...as a tourist, it's not a relaxing vacation, because you walk everywhere!

7.) Any extra info you would like to mention??

Yes, NYC is crazy, but living here is honestly like living anywhere (without the grass). Everyone lives in a neighborhood. I have my local grocery store, cafe, drugstore, bar, etc. Sometimes it feels like any normal neighborhood. For more on NYC, see my posts about it here and here. It's truly one of the best places to live in the world.

I actually pefer more the countryside or smaller cities, but I have to admit, that NYC seems to be worth visiting ;) I really love your post why we should live there, quite persuading^^ And I think that London, where I live is maybe a bit similar...

Thanks Emily for taking part and the awesome pictures!! :)

*If you want to take part as well, just answer the same questions and send me a picture of you and at least on of your city, I am happy to read it and publish it here on my little lovely blog, hehe^^
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