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Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekly Wishes #1

Since I love making plans and to-do-lists (loads of lists! For basically everything^^) That's why I thought I could take part in the Linkup from the The Nectar Collective!
But I probably going to write a weekly wish every month, which means a monthly wish actually, because one week is just sooo fast over....!!

So here are my points I want to do/achieve/finish for this month:

1.) Reading a bit of a book every day before I go to bed.
I really like reading but at the moment just the idea of it and I have so many unread books! I was thinking to sell them, but I don't want to do it before I haven't read them!! But since reading makes me quite tired, I've decided just to read a couple of pages before I go to bed.

2.) Follow my weekly schedule of language learning.
Whoho, here we go again with plans and to-do-list, but you have to get going somehow...and this is my motivation, it's easier for me to do tasks when I make a schedule (like: 1h vocabulary for Italian, 1h reading a book in Spanish...) And actually even everyday is dedicated specifically for one language to practice... carzy, neh? But at the moment I have the feeling it works quite well for me^^

3.) Riding my bike 2 or 3 mornings per week.
Unfortunately I just can do this while I am in Germany (living in a village with forest and a lake close by) for the next 5 weeks, when I am back in London I have to find something else o.O Jogging and so on is not possible due to my problems with my ankles, maybe swimming, but I don't really like the smell in puplic swimming pools >.<

If you feel motivated as well now to make some plans for next week, see more details about this link-up here:

Do you have any similar plans or wishes for the next time?

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