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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blogtember #10: A memory you would love to relive

Topic #10: A memory you would love to relive

Honestly there are a few memories I would love to relive, especially when I think about my travels...But the memory I think about at the moment is ages ago, as I still lived with my parents at home and my two brothers as well and we had our dog, called "Rambo" (was the perfect name for him!).
I don't have any pictures of that time, I was probably about 12 maybe, so more than 10 years ago!
An it was in winter - damn I L.O.V.E. winter and cold and snow and especially CHRISTMAS!!! I look soooo forward, baking cookies, the typical smell, the typical music (especially the German music) and snow (oh yeah, already sad that...)

Pictures of our garden as my mum tried to make me jealous with this awesome snow while I was in London

My memory is from one specific afternoon when we all were outside in the forest, mum, dad, dog and the kiddies and it was sooo much fun! Snowball fights (though I always lose...), building a snowman or whatever.
It was really great, because that was one of the few times my mother came with us, she is not much of an action person and prefers to have a calm day at home.

As we came home my hands were so cold that I couldn't open the button of my wet trousers and I needed to ask my mummy, so hilarious!!
Having a hot tea with christmas cookies in front of tv and watching a christmas film - perfection!!!

I so look forward to Christmas and spending winter time with my family, even though I know, that my oldest brother (who has a girlfriend and a child now) won't come... but still, the rest gonna be awesome, baking cookies with granma!! maybe even a typical gingerbread house like we used to do years ago with my other granma from my father... :)

Do you like Christmas or winter??

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