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Monday, September 2, 2013

Weekly Wishes #2

Welcome September (seriously?!?! already?!?!) and goodbye August (*cry*). Like I already wrote in my last post, time is flying bye and I am a bit scared of that...But never mind! We cannot do anything about it...
So this why my first post starts again with the linkup from the The Nectar Collective! (I'm just taking part in it once a month)

First, let us see how August goals worked out:

1.) Reading a bit of a book every day before I go to bed.
I really like reading but at the moment just the idea of it and I have so many unread books! I was thinking to sell them, but I don't want to do it before I haven't read them!! But since reading makes me quite tired, I've decided just to read a couple of pages before I go to bed.
worked perfectly the first weeks, the last week not, but just because for the reason that I didn't want to start a new book I am not going to finish anyways as long as I am staying at my parent's house... acceptable, right?

2.) Follow my weekly schedule of language learning.
Whoho, here we go again with plans and to-do-list, but you have to get going somehow...and this is my motivation, it's easier for me to do tasks when I make a schedule (like: 1h vocabulary for Italian, 1h reading a book in Spanish...) And actually even everyday is dedicated specifically for one language to practice... carzy, neh? But at the moment I have the feeling it works quite well for me^^
Basically the same like the first point... at the beginning awesome but now not really anymore....After a while of doing after my plan I sink into a trance of 'I am going to start doing it again properly next week/later/when I am back in London).... very unproductive -.- and I could hate myself for it!

3.) Riding my bike 2 or 3 mornings per week.
Unfortunately I just can do this while I am in Germany (living in a village with forest and a lake close by) for the next 5 weeks, when I am back in London I have to find something else o.O Jogging and so on is not possible due to my problems with my ankles, maybe swimming, but I don't really like the smell in puplic swimming pools >.<
Nope, haven't done that... there were always 'more important' things to do in the morning than riding a bike... strange I cannot remember what it was o.O I suddenly feel sooooo lazy :(

So here are my points I want to do/achieve/finish for 'going to be awesome September':

1.) Still reading books before I go to bed
Yay! I got books in London as well, so why not keep going a good habbit^^

2.) Going to the library (at least once a week)
In lirbaries you are normally not that distracted as in your home, so I hope I get more work done when I visit my University's library....

3.) Taking part in the Blogtember Challenge
I found this blogging challenge on the blog 'Story of my Life' from Jenni. I am normally not a friend of daily blogging but with questions we should answer, I think it's easier und funnier to write something everyday (even though some questions don't really apply to me, so I might not write something every day, but almost :)

If you feel motivated as well now to make some plans for next week, see more details about this link-up here:

Do you have any similar plans or wishes for the next time?

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