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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Brazil - Part 02: Arriving in Brazil

I started my journey to Brazil from London (Heathrow with Iberia Airlines) on the 22. May with a 2h stop in Madrid. 
In London you have everywhere in supermarkets like Tesco thos 'Meal Deals', you can by a normally a sandwhich + a drink + a dessert or salad or similar for  £3,50 more or less, but in Heathrow Airport I found the first time Sushi for a meal deal!!! Yumyum! I love Sushi.... and it was quite tasty, too^^

So the first flight to Madrid was nothing special to me anymore, since I did short flights around Europe last year during my Europe Trip quite often...^^ But then the airplane to Rio de Janeiro was a BIG one!! My first time I experienced this kind of airplane from the inside :)

And I was very lucky! I hade a place at the window, sitting alone... that means I could made myself as big as the two seats would allow me to, good to try to sleep a bit more comfortably over the more or less 11h to Rio!
OMG! This airplane is comming closer and closer and closer!! It's probably going to smash us!!!! >.<
So what did I take with me on the long flight? Not much.... Actually I just had my phone with me, where I have some ebooks to read or listen to music, creame (for my nose and lips) and a grammar book for Portuguese and something to write.... yes I am a goof girl trying to learn a bit of the language BEFORE I go to the country^^ And the rest of the time I though I would just sleep anyways and there would be 2 movies shown in the airplane to watch. One of the movies was 'Silver Linings', quite cool! Haven't seen it before, but considered it, since I like both actors quite a lot :)

So the hours ran by very quickly, even though I haven't slept much and was busy trying to move myself as much I can since my buttom started to hurt pretty much^^
Arrived at the airport the girlfriend of my friend picked me up to stay at her home for the first night, since it's a lot closer to the airport. She was pretty amazed that I just had one backpack for the whole 7 weeks!!! Haha!!^^ (she went 2 weeks to the USA with two pieces of luggage o.O).

So the first thing we two realised was the problematic of communication, since I was a bloody beginner (still not very good!^^) and her English is very basic too, but we managed to talk about the most important things somehow with feet and hands^^
We didn't went directly to her home, because she had a college class in the evening...wow! I was so overtired, but I though....'why not!' let's jump into some administration class thought completely in Portuguese^^
And it got pretty tough for me... I was overtired, I didn't understand anything and it was pretty warm... (yes I wore long clothes to have less in my backpack). So as we came home...late! I almost just fell into bed!

I just tried to take a picture from her flat, since she has an amazing few over the houses to the water!! Didn't really work very well, but the next day I took another one (you'll see in the next post :) )

So basically this were my first 'couple of hours' in Rio de Janeiro^^
Wait for the next posts to see more ;)

Tell me if you already have been to Brazil or any other Latin American country and how your journey have been to your destination :)

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