This is the first time I am doing this, but since I discover so many interesting blog posts and some of them could be even useful for the future.... I thought that this might be a good idea to put this one my blog, for everybody to see, including some of my thoughts about those topics.
So let's get started then with this month, July :)
I think nowadays almost everybody has the problem 'growing up' and the thoughts and concerns about it... and Dana from Wonder Forest wrote in this article perfectly the same thoughts I am afraid of to have later in a couple of years! Even though I do a lot of things I like and I consider myself quite lucky and happy in my current situarion... I still feel as if I am at the very beginning of my journey and sometimes I already feel old (yeah!! I am just 23, but still!! just 2 more years to a quarter of a century!!! How terrifying sounds that?!)
Five Ways To Connect With Other Bloggers
I am not one of thos 'big commercial' blogs, probably don't wanna be, but there is nothing wrong with trying to be a bit more successful like Maria from Little Tree Vintage^^ Yes, normally those things people write are already well-known by everybody and kind of boring to read it over and over again... but still! I am planning for a long time to feature some guest posts or do other stuff, but somehow it's difficult to get actually started... At the moment I have a bit time because I am completely free, no studies, no work... but it's gonna change in September, then what? Guess we'll see.....
What I Have Learned In My 26 Years Of Life...
For me it's pretty interesting to read about things other people have experienced or are experiencing during their lives, especially if this takes places in another country and culture than mine like in this post from Erin and her blog Living in Yellow. This post is one of them. Some things I agree, others I have now idea about... my favourit one from her list is "14. Responding with either "your mom" or "bend over and I'll show ya" is all you really need say when responding to ANYTHING." What????^^
I am normally not a big fan of link-ups (always wanted to write a post about that, too...>>enthusiasm??<<) but I think this one is quite nice and has a sense... Everybody needs a bit of a motivation and positive thinking about themselves or anything in general, right? Hehe.
You can see this post on so many blogs right now, but I saw it on Ashley's blog After Nine To Five first, that's why I linked her page here.
Is Google+ Worth Your Time? Let's Figure It Out....
I am always a bit confused and annoyed about all the possibilities to follow and share blogs and so on... I always try to find the sense behind some options, but it seems as if with google+ you cannot make much wrong, as we can see in the post from Jen's blog Red Parka. Ok, for the moment I just added the button on my blog and haven't done much about it... but I'll promise to update my profile and make everything nice and get the perfect idea about it.... soon!
This post is so me! Thanks to Daryl from Unlost for this post! Yes I always find excuses, too -.- When I have an idea about starting something new, doing someting more regularly or whatever... it looks perfectly in my head, but reality is a b*tch...
My bggest problem seems to be as if 24h per day is just not enough and I normally get motivated to do things when it is bedtime... then I rather go to bed because I have to get up early the next day... I really need to work on that >.<
Marathons, Diabetes, and Big Changes
I love when people fight for good causes, even better when it get's public! And when other people support this,'s just awesome! Like on the blog Bubby and Bean from Melissa.
I mean, seriously! Today it's so important and we are normally in a position to help others! And not always with money... unfortunately I will never to a marathon for any cause (since my ankles are just completely f*cked up -.-) but I will find other ways to contribute to the community (how poetic^^)
I hope you like those blog posts as much as I do!
Did you read any blog posts this month which you just fell in love with or you were thinking about this topic more?