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Monday, September 10, 2012

My Paralympics 2012

Last saturday I had the luck to go with my hostfather and his son to the Paralympics in here in London, we had tickets for the morning session in the stadium of the athletes, here are some impressions:

The beginning of the journey...
The entrance!

left: art, right: stadium^^
impressive!!! :)
what a view to the right...
... and to the left! ^^

Please stand, for the national anthem of GERMANY!! (Yes I was a bit proud and shouted the text^^)

all the lovely volunteers :) I want to be one too in Brasil!! :)

The volunteers were really nice, helpful and funny! Some were sitting on high chairs and talking to the people and saying entertaining things (like "don't forget the suncream!" or "hey you, hope you are for the right country!"^^ really cool.)

It was a great experience and somtimes I really needed to held back my tears because it was sometimes really emtional! What kind of disabilities some athletes have but achieving so great things! :)

Yesterday we went to the Trafalga Square to watch the closing ceremony on the big screen, You are going to see some pictures on thursday I tink :)

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