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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Blogtember #2: If you could take three months off...

Topic #2: If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do?

It might sound a bit weird, but I would really like to work as a doctor for a while or a medical assistant. I think it's just fascinating what they do, helping people just like that....This huge responsibility! Amazing!
If I could turn back time, I would maybe even go the medical direction, but now it's kind of 'too late'. And I am not even sure if this is what I can do (the idea is awesome, but am I really capable of doing it? I am not a very good student, just average and putting learnt things into practice is another point I struggle from time to time...)
So I would love to travel around the world, helping people as a doctor just for free... or free accommodation. This would basically combine two of the most important things for me in live: travel and helping others.
And if I then could take my family with me to some beautiful places, even better! Especially my grandma, who cannot really walk anymore. I would get her the best transport in the world, the most comfortable and fastest, that she doesn't need to suffer so much pain in her bones!

If you want to take part, have a look here, I hope to get to know some new and interesting blogs and bloggers!

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